Lecture Joop Bruines 2024 News

Lustrum edition Semiconductor Packaging University Program

September 5, 2024 – On Tuesday September 3, the fifth edition of the Semiconductor Packaging University Program started at the Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen. 29 people are taking part in the lustrum edition of the program. Over the next seven weeks, they will be introduced to the semiconductor industry and delve deep into the final step of chip manufacturing: chip packaging.

Mix of students and semicon staff

As in the four previous editions, the participants consist of a mix of students and professionals. Joop Bruines, education consultant at CITC and also working at HAN University of Applied Sciences (HAN), is happy with yet again a full classroom: “We have a good mix of people. In addition to industry participants from semiconductor companies such as ITEC, NXP, Sempro and iPronics, there are fifteen bachelor students from HAN and similar Dutch universities of applied sciences and from Rhein-Whaal Hochschule in Cleves. And there is one PhD student from University of Twente.”

Just like last year, there is a group of students from Panama who are following the program online. “Last year, four professors from Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá followed the theoretical program online and then came to the Netherlands for a week of practical training. Apparently, this was a success because four other professors are following the program this year. And they will also come over to the Netherlands later this year. I’m already looking forward to meeting them”.

Tailor-made program

CITC and HAN developed this program tailored to the specific needs of semiconductor companies. The program focuses on the design and manufacture of semiconductor packages and the associated assembly, reliability, and testing techniques. For the bachelor students the course is part of a full minor including a practical assignment which is carried out at either a semiconductor company or CITC.


Students listen to Henk van Zeijl (TU Delft) about semiconductors front end

In his introductory speech at the kick-off, Bruines emphasized the importance of chips in everyday life and the need for well-trained people in this field. Then he gave the floor to Henk van Zeijl from TU Delft for the first lecture of the program about the semiconductor front end.

Van Zeijl had brought along a large number of samples to support his story. The students were then able to delve into topics such as bandgap, Moore’s law, p-n junction, oxidation and disposition, and the mechanical and electrical properties of silicon.

Interested in following the next edition of this program? Check out the program information or contact us.

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